#Covid-19 explainer: Managing Municipal Solid Waste
April 28, 2020 Open City Admin

1 For Door to Door Collection
This is for citizens based on generator classification for handling #COVID19
- Compulsorily segregate waste as per 2 Bin1Bag method. Make sure that all dry waste is rinsed and dried. Store coconuts separately for pick up.
- All used PPE must be disposed as sanitary waste double wrapped in a newspaper with a X mark clearly visible
- If waste pick-up does not arrive or is delayed ensure that waste is stored and not left at the door steps or dumped on the streets.
- As far as possible compost wet waste, in case on non-pick-up.
- If handing over your dry waste to a waste picker or scrap dealer, ensure that no PPE or sanitary waste is mixed.
- In addition, the advisory must make announcements of frequency of pick up and staggered collection, if any, along with type of waste collected.
2 Apartments
- Compulsorily segregate waste as per 2 Bin1Bag method. Make sure that all dry waste is rinsed and dried. Store coconuts separately for pick up.
- All used PPE must be disposed as sanitary waste double wrapped in a newspaper with a X mark clearly visible
- If your apartment is not serviced during lockdown, then encourage residents to store dry waste, for longer periods and explore community composting options.
3 For people in home quarantines
- Based on guidelines issued by CPCB.
Handling of Waste
Generator: General Public / Door to Door Collection
Type of Waste
- Wet Waste – BBMP Collection
- Dry Waste – Authorised Dry Waste Collection Operators/BBMP Collection
- Reject/ Sanitary Waste – BBMP Collection. Masks, gloves, hand/face tissues should be wrapped in a newspaper with a X prominently displayed
- As per MSW Rules 2016
- For DWCC operations, care must be taken to ensure fire safety as materials are being aggregated, with limited sorters.
- The BBMP will need to ensure all MLP is immediately transported to aggregation facilities for storage
Workers Safety
- It is important that each and every worker are provided the necessary information on #COVID19. This includes potential risk that will be exposed to
- Distribution of PPE with clear instructions of how to use and remove, disinfect and reuse instruction if any.
- Disposal guidelines
- Direction on where to apply for PPE, in case soiled or torn.
- Facilities for food, transport, drinking water, washing and toilet facilities.
Generator: Asymptomatic people in home quarantine
Type of Waste
- Wet Waste – BBMP Collection
- Dry Waste & Reject Waste – Should be collected separately in yellow coloured plastic bags/bin
- Wet Waste – As per MSW Rules 2016
- Dry Waste & Reject Waste – As per Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2016
Workers Safety
- The worker needs to be informed on the need for separate collection.
- There must be a board outside the person’s house stating quarantine
- A special container needs to be made available in the vehicle
- Provisions to sanitise the vehicle post handover to the medical waste processor must be made available
- The waste worker must be informed on how to take precautions, all PPE for the day need to be disposed according to the guidelines
- Access to health care facilities/camps must be provided
Generator: Apartments
Type of Waste
- Wet/Dry/Reject – BBMP Empanelled Vendors
- As per MSW Rules 2016
- The vendors will need to ensure and put in place a fire safety mechanism, for dry waste with the help of BBMP
Workers Safety
- Same as General Category of generators
Generator: Flats in quarantine
Type of Waste
- Wet – BBMP Empanelled Vendor
- Dry and Reject Waste – BBMP must appoint special collectors and apartments must have strict instruction of holding waste
- Wet – As per MSW Rules 2016
- Dry and Reject Waste – As per BWM Rules 2016
Workers Safety
- Wet – Special provision, for separate collection and sanitisation
- Dry & Reject – Worker safety same as people under home quarantine for door to door collection
Generator: Clusters areas where cases have been detected
Once a cluster is identified, the entire area must be dealt with as per home quarantine measures. Special collection must be in place, with worker safety measures. All waste must be treated under BWM Rules 2016
Generator: Quarantine Camps
Separate and special collection of waste, must be put in place, with appropriate measures for worker safety. All waste must be treated under BWM Rules 2016
Generator: Hospitals dealing with COVID cases/testing
The CPCB mandates that COVID19 waste be labelled and double bagged in yellow plastic bag. Appropriate collection, transportation and facility for sanitization must be made. Worker safety must be a priority, with access to health camps must be made available
Generator: Street Waste
All black spot waste must be treated as domestic hazardous. If only dried leaves and flowers, can be composted.
- The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, must issue guidelines immediately and data on waste collected, processed must be in public domain.
- A grievance redressal cell must also be in place.
- The ULB will need to bring out appropriate guidelines for the same, with checks on the quality of PPE.
- A call centre to report violations must also be put in place with immediate priority.
About the author:
Pinky Chandran is Member, Solid Waste Management Roundtable.