On April 1st, 2023, the city of Bangalore was host to a “datajam” conducted by OpenCity.in at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore to analyse the data of Bengaluru constituencies. in the context of the upcoming Assembly elections. The event was largely attended by educated and urban civic minded people; many were part of civil […]
Mumbai’s Climate Action Plan is a document prepared by the Mumbai Metropolitan Area Development Authority (MMRDA) and published by the BruhanMumbai Corporation (BMC). The main purpose of the document is to identify the risks from climate change to the city, the vulnerabilities of the population to these risks, come up with mitigations for these risks, […]
What is an Economic Census? The Economic Census in India is a periodic activity to count all entrepreneurial units in the country. These units could be involved in economic activities of either agricultural or non-agricultural kind, but they need to be producing, distributing or services not for their own consumption. The census provides detailed information […]
Bengaluru records around 700 deaths each year on average. As per latest data from the Bengaluru Traffic Police (BTP), 771 people were killed on Bengaluru’s roads in traffic accidents in 2022, which is more than 2 persons per day! This is slightly higher than the 768 recorded in 2019. While the Covid years of 2020 […]
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) released its road accidents report for 2021. This is a comprehensive report with exhaustive data on road accidents in India. The numbers are from FIRs filed across the country for road accidents, and thus the numbers look mostly the same as in the National Crime Records Bureau […]
The Government of Karnataka published the Economic Survey of Karnataka for 2021-22. This is a comprehensive document with details about the Gross Domestic Product at state level (GSDP), at district level (GDDP), as well as district and state level per-capita income. It also includes details about the education sector, farming, industries, services and health. What […]
The National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR), which is a unit of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) published the 2020 reports of the National Cancel Registry Program (NCRP). These reports are published for major cities in the different zones of India and provide details about cancer incidence in these cities. The […]
The International Institute of Population Studies (IIPS) released the National Family and Health Survey -5 reports for India, all states/UTs and districts. The reports are very comprehensive painting a detailed picture of the state of health, literacy, access to sanitation, sex ratio and other important parameters in the country as well as the states. The […]
The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board has put up a map with the location of its Sewage Treatment Plants(STPs) here. The locations with the details of the STPs like capacity can be found here in Opencity. There are three kinds of STPs in Bengaluru – Sewage treatment plants where raw sewage is treated, Tertiary […]
Since December 2020 BESCOM has been converting its overhead (OH) lines to underground (UG) in the case of high-tension (HT) lines, and to Aerial Bundles(AB) in the case of low-tension (LT) lines. The data available on BESCOM’s website also reflects this conversion. Converting HT and LT lines from overhead to underground and ABs offers significant […]