The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board has put up a map with the location of its Sewage Treatment Plants(STPs) here. The locations with the details of the STPs like capacity can be found here in Opencity. There are three kinds of STPs in Bengaluru – Sewage treatment plants where raw sewage is treated, Tertiary […]
Since December 2020 BESCOM has been converting its overhead (OH) lines to underground (UG) in the case of high-tension (HT) lines, and to Aerial Bundles(AB) in the case of low-tension (LT) lines. The data available on BESCOM’s website also reflects this conversion. Converting HT and LT lines from overhead to underground and ABs offers significant […]
The Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India, recently published the report – National Compilation of Dynamic Ground Water Resources of India – 2022. This report details the state of groundwater extraction across India at state, district and district blocks (Taluks) level. The report identifies the amount of water that recharges the groundwater reserves annually […]
BMTC has put out its operational performance and other data in its annual reports till the year 2019-20. This is just short of the pandemic, so the data doesn’t reflect what the pandemic did to BMTC, where many of the buses were grounded for months. You can find the data summarized here. Lack of growth […]
In June 2019, the Government of India raised the penalties for traffic violations. This was a move that was considered to be pending, and was expected to make our roads a lot safer. Surely, steeper fines would make people think a few more times before they jump that red signal? Three years on, we have […]
A few days of rains in the first week of September and India’s IT capital, Bangalore, got the attention of the international media. The Wall Street Journal headline read – India’s Silicon Valley Flooded by Rains, Exposing Infrastructure Woes. BBC was more dramatic – Boats and tractors replace cars in India’s Silicon Valley. A week […]
The Karnataka State Natural Disaster Management Centre (KSNDMC) has deployed a large network of Automated Weather Stations(AWSes) across the state as well as in Bengaluru. There is a total of 180 AWSes deployed in different parts of Bengaluru Urban and 17 across Bengaluru Rural district. Given this extensive network, the observations could help shed more […]
The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) published its report for the year 2021. This report includes– Crime statistics across India– Accidents statistics across India. This includes road accidents, railway accidents and railway crossing accidents. – Suicide statistics across India. This includes information about change in rate of suicides in the population over the years, means […]
” MetaData absolutely tells you everything about somebody’s life. If you have enough metadata you don’t really need content…[It’s] sort of embarrassing how predictable we are as human beings.” – Stewart Baker As David Weinberger said “To a collector of curios, the dust is metadata”. Metadata contain information needed to understand and effectively use the […]
“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it’s the only one we have .” — Émile Chartier Just like in many areas of life, this famous quote by French philosopher Émile Chartier holds a lot of truth when it comes to the design and development of technology. While ideas are the life-breath of any […]